These paintings portray surreal narratives and thoughts I had experienced between 2020-22. Although I did not want it to be explicitly so or blatantly obvious, I used covid as the lens that distorted perception during that time. Combined with referential imagery, contrasted darks and lights, atmosphere and humor, I was able to visually reconstruct those key moments during that time.
The paintings mainly depict New York City and capture the emptiness of urban life during the pandemic. There are no figures in the majority of these paintings. There is just one, 'Flight Over Leonard St.', depicting a boy on a rooftop who is playing alone amongst imagined monsters that he will soon lose his toy plane to. I feel we can relate to this child as recent times have brought about new fears and uncertainties of the future. Yet his toy airplane is flying towards light. There is hope of a safe landing and retrieval of the plane.
Strong light is a motif that carries through the work as a symbol of a better future. Some paintings are homages to paintings from the past, like Arnold Bocklin’s 'Isle of the Dead'. Others take us to barren lands in an end of the world scenario like 'Desert Thoughts', an homage to Lars von Triers’ film 'Melancholia'.